My dad called me a couple weeks ago because he said he couldn’t log into his laptop. This, for anyone who knows my dad, could mean anythng, such as his mouse wasn’t working. I remoted into his laptop, and sure enough, he had logged in successfully, he was simply being prompted to set up a Windowws PIN code. I bypassed all that and got him to his desktop which he was looking for.
I can’t log in…

Gotta love remote support software. I remember spending hours with bosses, family members, clients, friends, etc. trying to talk them through all manner of easily resolvable issues simply because they lacked the ability to accurately describe what they were seeing on the screen.
Unfortunately, my dad suffers from shiny object syndrome. As I’m trying to telling him what to do, he gets distracted by some shiny object on the screen and either clicks on it or goes “What does that do?” and I have to spend more time telling hin to focus than actually fixing the problem, or an hour explaining something completely unrelated to the issue because he insisted I answer him…